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The Mother Handbook

             The Mother book aims at the possession of the tantric objective of dynamic Divine Shakti with the help of the Vedantic method. The Vedantic methods of Karma, Jnana and Bhakti Yoga have been restated in new terms and combinations of fivefold methods that of aspiration, rejection, surrender, faith and sincerity. Where first three are utilised to enter union with the static Divine and last three are meant to experience dynamic Divine union. And consecration is divided into two types, that of Purusha Yajna and Prakriti Yajna. Faith is also divided into two parts that of ascending faith and descending faith or the faith that helps in the ascent of the Soul and the faith that prolongs the descent of Shakti.


            The first chapter of The Mother book gives importance to discernment of truth from falsehood and acceptance of the former by the rejection of the latter is the starting point of all Yoga. The second chapter gives importance to the psycho-spiritual Vedantic method to enter partial static and dynamic union with the Divine. The third chapter insists on the integration of this Divine union through faith, sincerity and surrender. The fourth chapter stresses on acceptance and utilisation of the Money power for the Divine Work. The fifth chapter hints at the essence of Karma Yoga and the attainment of dynamic oneness with the Divine Mother. The sixth chapter develops contact with the four mediatrix Spiritual Mother Powers, which are identified as an extension of the Yoga of Self-perfection hinted in The Synthesis of Yoga. This is also the supreme mystery, the Gita has hinted as four powers of Manu, ‘chatvaro manabasthata’ (The Gita-10.6) but never developed. The method of self-discipline proposed by The Mother book is simple but its objective is difficult to realise and there are still many missing links that will connect the static and dynamic Divine. It proposes to initiate the transformation of Nature with the aid of Purusha Yajna and intensify this action by more powerful Prakriti Yajna.



The Supreme Word of The Mother:

The Power of Consecration has to replace the power of Tapasya and The Mother’s power alone can rend the lid between the higher and lower Hemisphere and bring down into the world of Ignorance, Falsehood, Suffering and Death the unending Light, Truth, Immortal’s Ananda and the Life Divine.

The Supreme Method of The Mother:

For the transformation of Nature, Prakriti Yajna or Vedic sacrifice (holocaust of Prakriti, sacrifice of the Divine Mother) is considered more powerful than Purusha Yajna or Vedantic sacrifice. Both methods are to be combined for effective transformation though for beginners of sadhana, Vedantic sacrifice is considered indispensable. So The Mother book proposes a safe and secured Vedantic method of self-discipline in order to arrive at the Tantric/Vedic aim.

The Supreme Siddhi or Perfection of The Mother:

The highest Supramental Force permeates from above the head from Spiritual, Supramental and Bliss Self, within from Psychic, true Mental, true Vital and true Psysical Being, below the feet by the opening of Subconscient and Inconscient Selves, and all around by opening of universal Self and awake in the body the Supreme Love, Beauty and Ananda.  Or "It (dynamic Spirit) is within, below, without, above." (Savitri-98)

The Supreme Grace of The Mother:

The Divine Grace will act when either of the four conditions below is satisfied. The Supreme Divine Grace will intensify only when the four conditions are simultaneously satisfied in Integral Concentration of (1) total and sincere surrender, (2) exclusive self-opening to the Divine Power, (3) constant and integral choice of descending Truth and (4) constant and integral rejection of falsehood of mind, vital, body, surrounding world and Subconscient plane.

            “I have quite the feeling that I myself ‘do’ nothing at all, absolutely nothing. The only thing I do is this (gesture of offering upwards), constantly this, in everything – in thoughts, feelings, sensations, in the body’s cells, all the time: ‘You, You, You. It’s You, it’s You, it’s You ...’ That’s all. And nothing else. (Her life the altar, herself the sacrifice. Savitri-473)… In other words, a more and more complete, a more and more integral assent, more and more like this (gesture of letting herself be carried). That’s when you have the feeling that you must be ABSOLUTELY like a child… If you start thinking, ‘Oh, I want to be like this! Oh, I ought to be like that!’ you waste your time.”

The Mother

    The Mother’s Agenda/ November 12, 1960

            “During the whole time Sri Aurobindo was here, the four entities he speaks of, the four aspects of The Mother, were always present. And I was constantly obliged to tell one or other of them, “Now keep calm, now, now, calm down”—they were always inclined to intervene!”

The Mother

The Mother's Agenda/27th June 1962 


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