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The Ashram in Brief


            “That is exactly what Sri Aurobindo wanted and attempted; he used to say, “If I can find a hundred people, it will be enough for my purpose.”

The Mother


The Mother's Agenda 16.09.1964

                        “If, for any reason this body (The Mother’s body) becomes unusable, the universal Mother will again start manifesting in hundreds of individualities according to their capacity and receptivity, each one being a partial manifestation of the Universal Consciousness.”

The Mother

The Mother’s Agenda-11/p-346,

            Sri Aurobindo’s requirement of one hundred perfect instruments, are they who live in cosmic Consciousness by whose pressure all objective life will become part of the subjective existence and they realise, perceive, feel, see and hear only the Divine in every way, in all forms and all happenings of the world are taking place within their vast universal Self. Their outer surface Nature is a concentration and radiation of silence, calm, stillness and peace. ‘To grow in the spirit is the greatest help one can give to others, for then something flows out naturally to those around that helps them.’¹²⁵ The ‘special work’¹²⁶ of integral Yoga is ‘of bringing down the higher consciousness with all its effect for the earth’¹²⁶ without ‘too eager to help others,’¹²⁵ without ‘accepting the nature of man and the world as it is’¹²⁶ and by standing ‘apart from the rest of the world.’¹²⁶

            Integral Yoga proposes that Universalised Consciousness is the outcome of a long movement of Consciousness between Psychic and Spiritual planes replacing the earlier slow evolution of consciousness between three modes of Nature, Gunas and in this vast Consciousness (1) equality becomes perfect and consecration becomes complete and absolute, (2) exclusive concentration of Mind is replaced with the faculty of Multiple-concentrations; thus one can pursue triple Yoga of Karma, Jnana and Bhakti simultaneously and ceaselessly, (3)  transformation of human Nature into Divine Nature is practicable, as in this Consciousness the World is inseparable from the individual; (4) his time and space experience is completely different from ordinary man subjected to three gunas, the latter lives in the present succession of moments oblivious of his past and future and his little habitation of space is separated from the world and the former lives in the triple time of past, present and future and the whole world lives within his cosmic Self; his universalised Spirit can move backward towards the past of this birth and past births and illumine the obscure corners of his Subconscient and Inconscient sheaths and his Spirit can travel forward in time to call down all future possiblities to present moment; (5) outer wandering and movement reduces and is replaced by the more and more inner wandering of Soul, (6) in this Cosmic Consciousness Matter is real to Spirit, Spirit is real to Matter and Matter is reconciled with Spirit; (7) in addition to his own individual suffering, he will be ready to bear a part of earth's heavy burden and suffering;  and (8) a fitness has arrived for ascension into still higher Supramental Consciousness.

            The immediate preoccupation of these few instruments of Truth who are concerned with Integral Yoga will be the increase and accumulation of Soul Force through fourfold Divine union that of Jivatma’s union with Paramatma, Jivatma’s union with Para- prakriti, Paramatma’s union with Para-prakriti and Para-prakriti’s union Apara- prakriti. Their action on the world will be largely inner subjective action dictated by the power of triple-time of the Spirit and they will accumulate Spiritual energy to such extent that the Transcendent Divine forces of oceanic proportion¹⁴⁵ will invade the earth’s dark Inconscient rock from above, within and below.

            The danger of the Inconscient Sheath swallowing the whole earth to its dark breast perpetually stands as an evolutionary threat and barrier. Earth is to be saved from life’s immense desire and destructive Forces from their ‘bleeding roots’¹²⁸ through the invasion of strong affirmative Spiritual forces from below the feet, within and above the head, and to keep this action active and its growing intensity is the responsibility of few fit channels of human instruments.

            A Spiritual fence of protection is to be built which at present is confined to a few privileged Souls, who will admit ‘through its gates only such activities as consent to undergo the law of the spiritual transformation.’¹³⁸ This protective Spiritual wall will extend itself to cover the whole of humanity. Or a ‘golden tower’⁵ of protection is built in the subtle world with the help of ‘flame child’⁶⁵ who are prepared Souls, ready to become channels of vast inflow of Supreme Ananda. Integral Yoga aims at a comprehensive solution or all-time panacea of all the problems of existence through complete immunisation of disease, decay, sorrow, dissidence and strife and the process of inoculation begins at an individual and collective level depending on the degree of restoration of harmony and opening towards a comprehensive Concentration. A safe passage in the subtle world is to be made in order to help living and dead Souls⁹⁸ so that they can easily travel different planes of Consciousness for their Soul’s training and arrive at the Psychic plane and cosmic Self for their accumulation of Spiritual energy and rebirth respectively. At the same time, the Yoga Shakti must drive out all tamasic forces to eliminate poverty, illiteracy, and malnutrition of the body from the whole of the race and drive out all rajasic forces to eliminate all discordant human action of violence, destructive aggression, tyranny of beast wrath, hatred, injurious brutality, corruption, bottomless ingratitude that disfigure earth nature and enjoyments of temporal nature.

            Those destined Souls for the Divine work will protect and guard the earth in three stages. First, they will have a ‘vision and knowledge of the triple time’¹²² or partial/complete foreknowledge of immediate future doom and holocaust of individual, state, national and universal proportion ‘by going back from the surface physical mind to  the  psychic  and  spiritual  consciousness;’¹²²  secondly,  they keep the concentration alive to reduce and minimise the quantum of such catastrophe through intervention of the overhead Divine Grace or vibration of Harmony of which they are conscious channel; thirdly, they will maintain the effort to completely annul the root of all such destruction and vibration of disorder through intervention and invasion of Supreme Harmony and Light to the yet untouched dark province of Subconscient and Inconscient Sheaths.

            A conscious movement of Consciousness between Psychic and Spiritual planes can liberate distant unknown Souls from the subjugation of their untransformed Nature and, thus, the purpose of invisible self-expansion through self-concentration or the liberated Souls liberating others in largescale is accomplished. The steps through which they will immediately control the world event through the evolution of preliminary Psychic and Spiritual faculties are: -

1)  The perception, thoughts, feelings and happenings of world events which are entirely guided by forces of Ignorance, are gathered directly through vision without the aid of any external means of communication like telephone, newspaper and internet, etc, or ‘of establishing a direct communication between mind and mind without the aid of the physical organs and the limitations they impose on our consciousness.’¹²³ ‘The psychical consciousness, as it develops, makes us aware of the great mass of thoughts, feelings, suggestions, will impacts, and influences of all kinds that we are receiving from others or sending to others or imbibing from and throwing into the general mind atmosphere around us.’¹²⁴ The outer aid is useful only to verify the degree of accuracy of the direct inner vision.

2)  Harmonised vibrations of thoughts and feelings or Spiritual idea force formulating itself in the world are communicated to them (individual and group) by secret unspoken words, transmission of will-power, and Spiritual Influence which are already tuned with the Divine-Will. Or as the Psychic being ‘evolves in power, precision and clearness, we are able to trace these to their source or feel immediately their origin and transit to us and direct consciously and with an intelligent will our own messages.’¹²⁴ Or the ‘spiritual inner consciousness has then to deal with these (dark and obscure) influences in such a way that, as soon as they approach or enter (the Spiritual realm), they become either obliterated and without result or transformed by their very entry into its own mode and substance.’¹²⁹

3)  Silent compulsion on them to act according to these communicated ideas, power of the heart and dynamic life forces. ‘There is necessarily a commerce here between disparate influences: the inner spiritual influence is met by quite opposite influences strong in their control of the present world-order; the new spiritual consciousness has to bear the shock of the dominant and established unspiritualised powers of the Ignorance.’¹²⁹ As a result, the single and multiple results are experienced through power of the Self and the development of essential and multiple Concentrations. The Nature of living of a Spiritual man will be ‘an accomplished inner existence whose light and power will take perfect body in the outer life.’¹³

4) They will be egoless transparent instruments to determine the events, actions and results of action of objective life throughout the world by the pure intervention of their subjective subtle-physical existence and silent Will-Power of multiple Concentrations. Their ‘environmental being must be so steeped in the spiritual light and spiritual substance that nothing (no world influence) can enter into it without undergoing this transformation…’¹²⁹ So, through frequent/constant increase of invasion of vibration of Order and permeation of a superior Harmony into the Inconscient, Subconscient and material life, the world would move towards the process of transformation. ‘Supreme Love eliminates all problems, even the problem of creation...But the world is not ready yet, it may take a few thousand years.’⁹⁵


            If a Sadhak attains Cosmic Consciousness, then he must pursue sadhana in secrecy and silence. His presence will be intolerable for the common man because of this particular nature, ‘Universal he is all,--transcendent, none.’¹⁴¹ When he lives in universal Self, he becomes very intimate with all; when he lives in transcendent Consciousness, he goes beyond all these relations. This is unbearable to man’s righteousness. His outward appearance will be marked with Truth-Power or the ‘sound of infinity’¹⁴² in his voice and his eyes will shine with the ‘light of things beyond.’¹⁴²

            Thus, Sri Aurobindo’s vision of creating ‘a new world,  a  new  humanity,  a  new  society  expressing  and  embodying  the  new consciousness’⁹⁴ is in the process of realisation by reconciliation of Spirit with Matter and by harmonisation of the body with the Soul. This is a task offered to the most conscious individual through realisation of the Soul as the centre of the World, an extension of his cosmic existence and its objective manifestation in the form of a Divine Centre or the emergence of a formative and affirmative Ashram living.





References are available in the ManuscriptThe Divine Bliss’ (page 452).


            “This (descent of Divine Force) has repeatedly been my experience lately, with a vision and a conviction, the conviction of an experience: the two vibrations (Truth vibration of Spirit and falsehood vibration of Matter) are like this (concomitant gesture indicating a superimposition and infiltration), all the time – all the time, all the time…May be the sense of wonder comes when the quantity that has infiltrated is large enough to be perceptible. But I have an impression – a very acute impression – that this phenomenon is going on all the time, all the time, everywhere, in a minuscule, infinitesimal way (gesture of a twinkling infiltration), and that in certain circumstances or conditions that are visible (visible to this vision: it's a sort of luminous swelling (of brain)– I can't explain), then, the mass of infiltration is sufficient to give the impression of a miracle. But otherwise, it's something going on all the time, all the time, all the time, continuously, ("A mystic slow transfiguration works.” Savitri-632 or "Its faint infiltration drilled the blind deaf mass;" Savitri-601) in the world (same twinkling gesture), like an infinitesimal amount of Falsehood replaced by Light ... Falsehood replaced by Light ... constantly…And this Vibration (which I feel and see) gives the feeling of a fire. That's probably what the Vedic Rishis translated as the "Flame" – in the human consciousness, in man, in Matter. They always spoke of a "Flame." It is indeed a vibration with the intensity of a higher fire… The body even felt several times, when the Work was very concentrated or condensed, that it is the equivalent of a fever.”

The Mother

The Mother’s Agenda-25th March-1964

            The Mother’s Consciousness is that which rests on the One and acts in the All, transcends All and denies none, sees all but lives for its transcendent task, becomes All and yet transcends the mystic whole, All-ruler and is ruled by none, transcends the Light and the Darkness and yet one with the Absolute, Eternal and All-knowing it suffers mortal birth and death and in Subconscient waits Her large unfinished task.

            The Mother's above Subconscient transformation experience is identified as the Supreme Word, Mahavakya, of The Mother's Agenda and to be a participant in this universal Yoga is identified as an exceptional privilege. The whole of humanity is now going through this Subconscient transformation unconsciously and few prepared vessels are going through this slow constant permeation consciously.

            When they (Savitri and Satyavan) enter Spiritual union in the Inconscient Self and Subconscient Self, the Supramental Divine Force emerges from below the feet and rushes towards the physical, vital and mental sheaths. As feet is the farthest domain from the complexity of mind, whose centre is the head, and the head obstructs the free flow of higher Divine forces, so this passage is recognised as a more important means of transformation action and this hidden light is ‘a sea of the secret Superconscience.’ Thus “The bliss which sleeps in things”³ shall strive to wake and ‘A soul shall wake in the Inconscient’s house.’ Thus awakening of Supramentalised Inconscient Self is identified as the ‘last transcendent power’² and a field of ‘last and mightiest transformation’⁸³ and thus a ‘grand solution’⁸⁴ is uncovered where ‘the heights of mortal effort end.’⁸⁴

            The Mother recounts,  “for the first time the Supramental light entered directly into my body, without passing through the inner beings. It entered through the feet and it climbed up and up. And as it climbed, the fever also climbed because the body was not accustomed to this intensity. As all this light neared the head, I thought I would burst and that the experience would have to be stopped…”⁹⁵ 

            Thus, one no longer depends on intervention from above for transformation action of surface mind, life and body but it will also take place more vigorously from within and most vigorously from below the feet by the opening of Subconscient and Inconscient Selves.

            The Divine tells Savitri that most human beings live like brutes and do not discover the infinite Light above the head and immense Light below the feet or man, in general, is ‘A swimmer lost between two leaping seas.’⁶⁹ And those who realise Psychic Being in the heart, they feel in Savitri's language, ‘Our life is entrenched between two rivers of Light.’⁷⁰ If a Sadhak realises the universalisation of Psychic and Spiritual Beings, then ‘His gates to the world were swept with seas of light’⁷¹ from both ends. Through knowledge of the Wheel of Works, he will be able to reconcile Matter with Spirit. 


References are available in the Manuscript The Divine Bliss’ (page 291, 34-35).


        "The power to do nothing, which is quite different from indolence, incapacity or aversion to action and attachment to inaction, is a great power and a great mastery; the power to rest absolutely from action is as necessary for the Jnanayogin as the power to cease absolutely from thought, as the power to remain indefinitely in sheer solitude and silence and as the power of immovable calm. Whoever is not willing to embrace these states is not yet fit for the path that leads towards the highest knowledge; whoever is unable to draw towards them, is as yet unfit for its acquisition."

Sri Aurobindo

CWSA-23/The Synthesis of Yoga-347 


            “Everyone who is turned to the Mother is doing my Yoga. It is a great mistake to suppose that one can “do” the Purna Yoga i.e. carry out and fulfil all the sides of the Yoga by one’s own effort. No human being can do that. What one has to do is to put oneself in the Mother’s hands and open oneself to her by service, by bhakti, by aspiration; then the Mother by her light and force works in him so that the sadhana is done. It is a mistake also to have the ambition to be a big Purna Yogi or a supramental being and ask oneself how far have I got towards that. The right attitude is to be devoted and given to the Mother and to wish to be whatever she wants you to be. The rest is for the Mother to decide and do in you.”

Sri Aurobindo
CWSA-32/The Mother and Letters on the Mother-151-152



            “The ideal is that of humanity in God, of God in humanity, the ancient ideal of the sanatana dharma but applied as it has never been applied before to the problem of politics and the work of national revival. To realise that ideal, to impart it to the world is the mission of India. She has evolved a religion which embraces all that the heart, the brain, the practical faculty of man can desire but she has not yet applied it to the problems of modern politics. This therefore is the work which she has still to do before she can help humanity; the necessity of this mission is the justification for her resurgence, the great incentive of saving herself to save mankind is the native power which will give her the force, the strength, the vehemence which can alone enable her to realise her destiny...Spirituality is India’s only politics, the fulfilment of the Sanatan Dharma its only Swaraj.”

Sri Aurobindo

CWSA-6-7/Vande Mataram/p-1017

CWSA-36/Autobiographical Note/p-170


            If an individual is having direct contact with the Divine and if he utilises this Dynamic Divine union initially for individual transformation of Nature and finally for world transformation, then a Divine Centre or Ashram is born. Integral Yoga foresees a hierarchy of a collective body with one liberated Soul at its centre, known as the ‘Divine Centre,’ or collective group with more than one liberated Gnostic Soul or ‘spread beyond the individual’ known as the ‘Gnostic Centre’ or a Centre without Soul Centre/Central Representative, known as ‘priestless shrine’ where all are liberated souls, identified as ‘virgin bridals of the dawn’ symbolising the purity of collective living or ‘citizens of that mother State’ symbolising selfless Spiritual fosterers or ‘nude god-children’ who ‘steeped existence in their youth of soul.’ The action of the Divine Mother in a rare ‘priestless shrine’ beyond the Divine Centre will be the pursuit of the Divine in isolation, alone, without the aid of collectivity, without the law of collective living, without the help of fixed Shastra and the flow of the Transcendent and Universal Divine Love will be further reinforced through realisation of ‘seven-fold Personal Divine Love.’  (Ref: The Synthesis of Yoga-58, 90, Savitri-368, 401, 262, 126, 127)

            Before meeting Paramatma Satyavan, Paraprakriti Savitri came across twelve types of liberated Souls, who were having Divine realisations in twelve specialised fields.  They were satisfied with their partial Spiritual achievements and were considered unfit to hold Savitri’s comprehensive Divine Love, and hence Virgins’ Fortress could not be dreamed with these liberated Souls. These Master Souls were fit to build Ascetics’ Fortress, Divine Centre and Gnostic Centre. To hold Savitri’s comprehensive Divine Love or ‘hold God’s birth,’ a Soul is ‘made ready through a thousand years.’ Before discovering a Virgins’ Fortress without, one has to discover a Virgins’ fortress within, of meeting ground of Paramatma and Paraprakriti in the heart centre or ‘The incarnate dual Power shall open God’s’ Supreme door. The Soul's Fortress can be attacked and conquered by Supreme Lord who is symbolised here as 'unexpected king.' In a Virgins' Fortress, a Sadhak or Savitri within will live alone, unclaimed, untouched, king of itself within and possessed and invaded by the flood of Divine Force above the head and below the feet or 'A captive Life wedded her conqueror.'  (Refer Savitri-382, 398, 705, 87, 125)

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