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The Keyword of integral Yoga: “This is a difficult lesson to learn (rejection of revolt and impatience), but you must learn it. I do not find fault with you for taking long over it, I myself took full twelve years to learn it thoroughly, (written in the year 1919) and even after I knew the principle well enough, it took me quite four years and more to master my lower nature in this respect. But you have the advantage of my experience and my help; you will be able to do it more rapidly, if you consciously and fully assist me, by not associating yourself with the enemy Desire; jahi kamam durasadam, (this enemy in the form of desire, who is so hard to assail. The Gita-3.43) remember that utterance of the Gita, it is a keyword of our Yoga.”

Sri  Aurobindo

CWSA-36/Autobiographical Notes/p-229

             “A new consciousness is at work upon earth to prepare the coming of the superhuman being.

            Open yourselves to this consciousness if you aspire to serve the Divine Work.

            To come into contact with this new consciousness, the essential condition is no longer to have any desires and to be wholly sincere.”

The Mother

The Mother’s Agenda-9th April 1969



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