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Photo Gallery

            "It is not a question of preparing students to read these or some other works. It is a question of drawing all those who are capable of it out of the usual human routine of thought, feelings, action; of giving those who are here every opportunity to reject the slavery of the human way of thinking and acting; of teaching all those who want to listen that there is another, truer way of living, and that Sri Aurobindo taught us to become and to live the true being and that the purpose of education here is to prepare the children for this life and to make them capable of it."


The Mother​

The Mother's Agenda, 10.08.1960

            "Ramakrishna is supposed to have said to Vivekananda, “You can see the Lord just as you see me and hear His voice just as you hear mine.” Some people understood this as an announcement that the Lord was on earth in flesh and blood. I said (laughing): “No, it is not that! What he meant is that if you enter the true consciousness, you can hear Him — I say, hear much more clearly than you hear physically and see much more clearly than you see physically."

The Mother

TMCW-10/On Thoughts and Aphorisms/p-205)


            This photo gallery is proposed to be designed for small children in such a manner that they will understand the All-inclusive Integral Education spontaneously in a very simple manner. These pictures can assist them to open their Soul or through ‘a soul-understanding, that chose the pictures.’ The Mother observed, “What I see is almost a children's book, for a whole generation aged ten to eighteen, thousands of children. With lovely pictures.” (Refer The Mother’s Agenda-29.05.1962)

            "The Yogins who strive, see the Lord in themselves, pasyanti; but though they strive to do so, the ignorant perceive Him not, as they are not formed in the Spiritual mould... Some see the Divine, pasyanti, through meditation; some realise the Divine as 'of the Self, by the Self and in the Self,' atmani atmanam atmana; others see the Divine, pasyanti, through Sankhya and Karma Yoga... "  (The Gita-15.11, 13.25)


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