The Mother's Relics and
“The crisis in which the Avatar appears, though apparent to the outward eye only as a crisis of events and great material changes, is always in its source and real meaning a crisis in the consciousness of humanity when it has to undergo some grand modification and effect some new development. For this action of change a divine force is needed; but the force varies always according to the power of consciousness which it embodies; hence the necessity of a divine consciousness manifesting in the mind and soul of humanity. Where, indeed, the change is mainly intellectual and practical, the intervention of the Avatar is not needed; there is a great uplifting of consciousness, a great manifestation of power in which men are for the time being exalted above their normal selves, and this surge of consciousness and power finds its wave-crests in certain exceptional individuals, vibhutis, whose action leading the general action is sufficient for the change intended… But when the crisis has a spiritual seed or intention, then a complete or a partial manifestation of the God-consciousness in a human mind and soul comes as its originator or leader. That is the Avatar.”
Sri Aurobindo
CWSA/19/Essays on the Gita/p-168-169
Sri Aurobindo’s Sacred Relics
The Supreme reveals in the Gita that He manifests again and again on the earth, not only for the restoration of Good by the destruction of Evil but for His Divine Birth of transformation of Nature and Soul through His Divine Action, Janma Karma Chamedivyam.¹
Their³ arrival passage was made clear through a vision demonstrated to S.A. Maa Krishna, on 4th June-2011. In this vision, she was climbing alone a high mountain with long and wide stairs and was holding a golden big bucket of three feet high. She felt tired as it was heavy enough to lift, but she was holding it with two hands and climbing up the hill. On the top of the mountain, Sri Aurobindo was staying there and she saw the Young Sri Aurobindo, wearing the Dhoti, was coming down. After seeing Him she felt, He would come and help her in lifting up the bucket. But He came very silently and stood behind her. As she was holding a bucket, and it was not permitted to keep it on the ground, so she could not do Pranam to Him. After looking up the mountain, He called to one of His disciples and told him, “You take her to NILACHAL, I AM COMING.” After this, she felt a mighty power is helping her to climb up the mountain. His disciple took her to one place, the left side of the mountain, which is four stairs below the Sri Aurobindo’s abode on the mountain top. She went there for rest and waited for the Lord. After that, she got up.
Years before (the year of 2005) there was a vision of Sri Krishna, who demonstrated the significance of each floor of the Sri Matriniketan Ashram’s main building. As per Him, the ground floor of the main building where there is a meditation hall is meant for The Mother’s action in the Psychic plane, its first floor is meant for Sri Aurobindo’s action in the Spiritual Plane and He, intended His wish to stay in its second floor. How He wanted to stay here was also demonstrated symbolically, He became a big statue of around fifteen feet high with a flute in His hand and after some time His image was transformed into the statue of Saraswati² signifying that His Divine Love is dynamising as Divine Action. A similar pictorial demonstration was repeated of how The Mother had possessed the ground floor and Sri Aurobindo had possessed the first floor. When The Mother’s and Sri Aurobindo’s sacred Relics were installed on Janmastami,² 21.08.2011, on the second floor of the main building, it was a fulfillment of Sri Krishna’s promise. Their coming is an intensification of the Nara-Narayana Play and extension of Their Supramental Consciousness to hold and capture the whole earth of which the proposed project of Sri Matri (dhyana) Mandir is a symbolic representation. Thus a ground is prepared for the Supreme Mother and the Supreme Lord for Their entire Descent.
1: The Gita-4.9,
2: Incidentally The Mother and Sri Aurobindo were born on Sri Panchami and Janmashtami respectively in the Indian calendar.
3: Birth of Avatar described in Savitri:
"All-knowing he accepts our darkened state,
Divine, wears shapes of animal or man;
Eternal, he assents to Fate and Time,
Immortal, dallies with mortality." Savitri-66
“Our error crucifies Reality¹
To force its birth and divine body here,
Compelling, incarnate in a human form¹
And breathing in limbs that one can touch and clasp,
Its Knowledge to rescue an ancient Ignorance,
Its saviour light the inconscient universe.” Savitri-170-171
(1: Avatar)
“Action¹ a ripple in the Infinite
And² birth a gesture of Eternity”³ Savitri-200
(1: Divine Action, 2: Divine birth, 3: Janma karma cha me divyam: My birth and action are both Divine-The Gita-4.9)
“The mystery of God’s birth and acts remains
Leaving unbroken the last chapter’s seal,
Unsolved the riddle of the unfinished Play;
The cosmic Player laughs within his mask,
And still the last inviolate secret hides
Behind the human glory of a Form,¹
Behind the gold eidolon of a Name.” Savitri-311
(1: Advent of last Avatar)
“It is finished, the dread mysterious sacrifice,
Offered by God’s martyred body for the world;
Gethsemane¹ and Calvary² are his lot,
He carries the cross on which man’s soul is nailed;” Savitri-445
(1: Gethsemane: A garden where Jesus was betrayed.
2: Calvary: Hill top on which Lord Christ was crucified.)
“ The sorrow of all living things shall come
And knock at his¹ doors and live within his house;” Savitri-446
(1: Avatar’s)
“Only if God assumes the human mind
And puts on mortal ignorance for his cloak
And makes himself the Dwarf with triple¹ stride,
Can he² help man to grow into the God. ” Savitri-488
(1: three gunas, 2: Vamana Avatar)
“So man¹ evolving to divinest heights
Colloques still with the animal and the Djinn;
The human godhead with star-gazer eyes
Lives still in one house with the primal beast.
The high meets the low, all is a single plan.” Savitri-542
(1: Satyavan)
“The incarnate dual Power shall open God’s door,
Eternal supermind touch earthly Time.
The superman shall wake in mortal man
And manifest the hidden demigod
Or grow into the God-Light and God-Force
Revealing the secret deity in the cave.
Then shall the earth be touched by the Supreme,
His bright unveiled Transcendence shall illumine
The mind and heart and force the life and act
To interpret his inexpressible mystery
In a heavenly alphabet of Divinity’s signs.” Savitri-705
“An incense floated in the quivering air,
A mystic happiness trembled in the breast
As if the invisible Beloved had come
Assuming the sudden loveliness of a face
And close glad hands could seize his fugitive feet
And the world change with the beauty of a smile.” Savitri-290
“When in your heart and thought you will make no difference between Sri Aurobindo and me, when to think of Sri Aurobindo will be to think of me and to think of me will mean to think of Sri Aurobindo inevitably, when to see one will mean inevitably to see the other, like one and the same Person, - then you will know that you begin to be open to the supramental force and consciousness.”
The Mother
The Mother’s Centenary Works/Vol-13/p-32
“The Supermind had descended long ago—very long ago—into the mind and even into the vital: it was working in the physical also but indirectly through those intermediaries. The question was about the direct action of the Supermind in the physical. Sri Aurobindo said it could be possible only if the physical mind received the supramental light: the physical mind was the instrument for direct action upon the most material. This physical mind receiving the supramental light Sri Aurobindo called the Mind of Light… As soon as Sri Aurobindo withdrew from his body, what he has called the Mind of Light got realised in me.”
The Mother
29 June 1953/The Mother’s Centenary Works/13/62-63