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Objective in Brief

            “The ascent to the divine Life is the human journey, the Work of works, the acceptable Sacrifice. This alone is man’s real business in the world and the justification of his existence, without which he would be only an insect crawling among other ephemeral insects on a speck of surface mud and water which has managed to form itself amid the appalling immensities of the physical universe.”

Sri Aurobindo

CWSA-21/The Life Divine-p-48


 This object (1: A discovery of the Divinity in oneself; 2: discovery of the Divinity in the world behind the apparent denial; 3: a total discovery of the dynamism of some transcendent Eternal) of the integral Yoga must be accepted wholly by those who follow it, but the acceptance must not be in ignorance of the immense stumbling-blocks that lie in the way of the achievement; on the contrary we must be fully aware of the compelling cause of the refusal of so many other disciplines to regard even its possibility, much less its imperative character, as the true meaning of terrestrial existence.”

Sri Aurobindo
CWSA-23/The Synthesis of Yoga-p-170


            Man’s attraction towards world strengthens the knowledge of the Becoming, this terrestrial existence; attraction towards heaven strengthens the knowledge of our Source, the Supracosmic origin; attraction of heaven on earth strengthens the knowledge of the intermediate Supra-terrestrial link of subtle, Superconscient, Universal and Supramental plane and attraction towards His ecstatic oneness, order and harmony transforms Matter into image of the Spirit or material transfiguration, eliminating the permanent division between them, the Creation and the Creator.

            It is true that the deficiencies of the above four institutions are to be rightly related with the total harmony of the Existence. In the past, the above evolutionary synthesis had failed due to exaggeration and exclusive importance of either one or another school of thought and now a time has come in the recent development of integral Yoga, as another opportunity and trying ground of equal importance and regard for all the four schools of thought and their utmost Spiritual consummation. The secret truth behind the material existence of physical Science and the truth of pure devotion of all Religious movements are to be reconciled with the Ascetic affirmation of a pure Spiritual impulse. The Ascetic or Sannyasin aspiration upward to unite with the Divine is to be rightly and sufficiently related with the ancient Vedantic approach of descending movement of the Divine Shakti to embrace its manifestation. The ancient Vedantic quest to reconcile Matter and Spirit, One and Many in its comprehensiveness is to be sufficiently related with the Vedic representation of the Divine Mother, the daughter of the Sun, Savitri, who is concerned with the final aim of the Vedic discipline, Divine perfection of material life and physical Immortality of the mutable substance. Thus, earth life can be transformed into an ecstatic playfield of her Divine children.

            In Integral Spiritual Evolution, Supracosmic is accepted as a source, origin and support, the Supra-terrestrial or other intermediate world for a condition and connecting link of bridging the gulf between Supracosmic Source and the nether material life and the Terrestrial for its field and circumstance, and with human Body, Life and Mind for its nodus, turning point and dynamic mould into which Divine existence can be poured in for a higher and even highest perfection.


            The Mother Nature attempts through each individual formation to bridge the gulf between the existing material living and the future Supramental world. She attempted and reattempted this with her best Master Souls and succeeded with Sri Aurobindo. Now, after Mother Nature’s success in creating a single Sri Aurobindo, who is a symbol of the movement of comprehensive Consciousness, her next great and difficult task is ‘to reproduce, multiply and ultimately universalise it in others.’²⁸ Now it is time for her to universalise her success, by providing the best surrounding atmosphere to the receptive human Souls with perfected minds and bodies who will be able initially to unveil the transcendent activities of the Spirit and finally hold and carry Sri Aurobindo’s Consciousness or the total consciousness of the Eternal by the simple formula though difficult to execute, that of initially living and experiencing all the norms of Integral Yoga and finally the outer law is substituted by the inner plastic Psychic, Spiritual and Supramental Law. This intensive evolution of the individual must be preoccupied in entirely changing the mind, life and body in conformity with the truth of the Spirit. After bridging the gulf between ordinary living and Supramental life, the Mother Nature attempted again to experience cellular transformation of her animal evolutionary form through The Mother’s body. This is another intermediate victory which has opened for the race another possibility of physical change and a journey toward the ultimate victory of Spirit over Matter. The simple formula to repeat The Mother’s Cellular transformation experience or discovery of immortal principles concealed within the cells of the body is to purify the physical substance to the extent of bearing the pressure of All Delight and the burden of the earth’s Inconscient negations. Or “The dire delight that could shatter mortal flesh,”³⁰ and “Almighty powers are shut in Nature’s cells.”³¹ The next difficult task of Mother Nature related to multiplication of individual Cellular transformation may be understood in The Mother’s language, “If, for any reason this body (The Mother’s body) becomes unusable, the universal Mother will again start manifesting in hundreds of individualities according to their capacity and receptivity, each one being a partial manifestation of the Universal Consciousness.”²⁹        


The References of above extraction are taken from the manuscript The Integral Yoga and Sanatana Dharma’ (Page-27, 110) 


           "To be conscious of him (Divine) in all parts of our being and equally in all that the dividing mind sees as outside our being, is the consummation of the individual consciousness. To be possessed by him and possess him in ourselves and in all things is the term of all empire and mastery. To enjoy him in all experience of passivity and activity, of peace and of power, of unity and of difference is the happiness which the Jiva, the individual soul manifested in the world, is obscurely seeking. This is the entire definition of the aim of integral Yoga..."

Sri Aurobindo

CWSA/23/The Synthesis of Yoga-63


    “There must be, first, the effort towards at least an initial and enabling self-transcendence and contact with the Divine; next, the reception of that which transcends, that with which we have gained communion, into ourselves for the transformation of our whole conscious being; last, the utilisation of our transformed humanity as a divine centre in the world..."

Sri Aurobindo

CWSA/23/The Synthesis of Yoga-58


            “We have to recognise once more that the individual exists not in himself alone but in the collectivity and that individual perfection and liberation are not the whole sense of God’s intention in the world. The free use of our liberty includes also the liberation of others and of mankind; the perfect utility of our perfection is, having realised in ourselves the divine symbol, to reproduce, multiply and universalise it in others." 

Sri Aurobindo

CWSA/23/The Synthesis of Yoga-29



               "The goal is not to lose oneself in the Divine Consciousness. The goal is to let the Divine Consciousness penetrate into Matter and transform it."

The Mother

The Mother's Centenary Works-15/Words of the Mother-III/p-84

              “Then I thought: now, Sri Aurobindo, it is quite clear; for him, the goal was Perfection. Perfection not in the sense of a summit but of an all-inclusive totality in which everything is represented, has a place. And I saw that this Perfection would come—must come—in stages. He announced something the realisation of which will stretch over thousands of years. So it must come in stages.”

The Mother

The Mother’s Agenda-4/p-101

              "When the mind came down upon earth, something like a million years went by between the manifestation of the mind in the earth atmosphere and the appearance of the first man. But it will go faster this time because man is waiting for something, he has a vague idea: he is awaiting in some way or another the advent of the superman. Whereas the apes were certainly not awaiting the birth of man, they never thought of it – for the excellent reason that they probably don’t think very much! But man has thought about it and is waiting, so it will go faster. But faster probably still means thousands of years. We shall speak of this again in a few thousand years!"

The Mother

The Mother’s Agenda-02.04.1956

           “Ultimately, nothing but omnipotence could convert the world, convince the world. The world isn't ready to experience supreme Love. Supreme Love eliminates all problems, even the problem of creation: there are no more problems, I know it since that experience [of April 13]. But the world isn't ready yet, it may take a few thousand years. Although it is beginning to be ready for the manifestation of supreme Power (which seems to indicate that this will manifest first). And this supreme Power would result from a CONSTANT identification…But this "constancy" isn't yet established: one is identified and then one isn't, is and then isn't, so things get delayed indefinitely. You wind up doing exactly what you tell others not to do – one foot here and one foot there! It just won't do.”   

The Mother

The Mother’s Agenda-04.07.1962



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